Want to speak at Newcastle Startup Week ONLINE (21-25 September 2020)?

As many of you will know, our fourth 5-day Newcastle Startup Week festival was due to take place in May but because of the COVID lockdown we had to pivot from a physical event to an online one which was delivered through our private Facebook Group to 300+ people.

Because of the success of our first online event in May, we’re doing another Newcastle Startup Week ONLINE event between 21-25 September 2020 (& still aiming to do a ‘proper’ physical one between 10-14 May 2021).

How does this work?

Our Newcastle Startup Week ONLINE events follow the same 5 themes as our physical events:

  • Monday = INSPIRATION (21 September)
  • Tuesday = GETTING STARTED (22 September)
  • Wednesday = FUNDING & FINANCE (23 September)
  • Thursday = GROWING & SCALING (24 September)
  • Friday = KEEP GOING OR PIVOT? (25 September)

Over the 5 days we ‘broadcast’ a range of exclusive pre-recorded talks, presentations, panel discussions, interviews & livestreams to our private Facebook Group where delegates & members of our ‘Startup Week Community‘ can either watch & comment on them ‘live’ or at a time that’s more convenient for them.

If you’d like to contribute a talk, presentation, panel discussion or interview that covers one of the themes above, please pre-record a video & send the file via WeTransfer or Dropbox by no later than Sunday 20 September at the very latest! (Please also make it clear in your email which day you think your video should be shown).

Once I have your video, I will review it & if suitable will share it in our private Facebook Group on the relevant day for our Members to see. (I may also share it on our Newcastle Startup Week YouTube Channel & Social Media channels at a later date to help you reach a much wider audience if you agree to let me do this).

I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

ps If you’d prefer to just watch the talks, book your ticket for just £20 (+ VAT / fees) here.

Paul Lancaster
Founder & Event Producer
Newcastle Startup Week