I don’t know about you but I’m sick of working from home & mostly online.
Before the lockdown, a large proportion of my time was spent networking, attending, hosting or speaking at in-person events & gathering valuable information & insights I could share with others through planned meetings & chance encounters.
The connections & knowledge I gathered are what made me so effective at what I did & why startups, established businesses, corporates, public sector officials & investors all came to me for help & advice they couldn’t find anywhere else.
During the lockdown, although I’ve been highly innovative & productive online, I’ve not been as ‘SuperConnected’ or useful to others as I was before. Last week was my first full week of working in Newcastle city centre again (mostly working from the Tuspark Barclays Eagle Lab co-working space on Grainger Street where my business has been based since 2018) & it felt fantastic!
In a short space of time (just a couple of hours) I was back to doing what I do best – sharing knowledge, ideas & opportunities with those around me in a way that only happens when curious, creative, enthusiastic & entrepreneurial people get together.
This is why in-person events like my monthly Founders’ Friday event & annual Newcastle Startup Week festival are so important.
They help people speed up the process of starting or growing a business & finding the information or connections they need to take things to the next level.
What’s next?
I’ve already announced I’m going to start running in-person Founders’ Friday events again from Friday 26th November onwards (see my blog here).
I’m also keen to run much bigger events again in the new year (watch this space) but can only do this if more people join my Startup Week Community (or step forward as a potential sponsor / advertiser / partner)…
In the meantime, if you’re ready to get down to business you can start benefiting from my knowledge, insights & network right now by doing the following:
- Following on Twitter @lordlancaster & @nclstartupweek
- Following on Instagram @lordlancaster & @newcastletartupweek
- Reading my weekly blogs at https://newcastlestartupweek.com/blog/
- Watching the videos on the Newcastle Startup Week YouTube Channel (& Subscribing to it too)
- Becoming a Member of the ‘Startup Week Community‘
- Doing my ‘5 Star Focus Programme‘ (1-2-1 business coaching over 5 days)
- Marketing & promoting your business / organisation through my network
- Listening to (& Subscribing to) my ‘SuperConnector Show‘ podcast
- Buying my ‘Small Business Marketing For Dummies‘ book
- Emailing me at paul@newcastlestartupweek.com or calling 07734722716 to discuss other ways we can work together (as a registered Provider for NBSL’s North East Business Support Fund you could get 35%-40% grant funding towards business improvement projects that cost £2,500 / £3,000 or more)
- Talking to me at Tony Robinson OBE’s ‘Who Wants To Be A Happipreneur?’ event in South Shields next week (14 Oct) (book your FREE ticket here)

So, let’s get down to business!
Paul (Lancaster)
Founder & Director
Newcastle Startup Week