Start Something New

If you have an idea inside your head that’s yearning to get out, this book is for you!

Inside I share knowledge and insights on how you can nurture those ideas, bring them out into the wild, test the market and increase your chances of making them a success (or at least minimise the risks of failure).

Over the past 15 years I’ve become very good at starting new things on a regular basis by surrounding myself with entrepreneurs, business owners & creatives & gaining inspiration from the places I go & things I do each day.

What I’ve learned from all this experience is that ideas don’t magically appear out of nowhere. The seeds are planted by the experiences and thoughts you have which in turn influence the actions you take…

If you’d like to be one of the first people to read ‘Start Something New’ when it’s finished, please fill out the short form below:

Thanks in advance!

Paul Lancaster
Founder & Director
Newcastle Startup Week | TRYBES