On Tuesday 14th June 2022, we’ll be co-hosting a special ‘Newcastle Startup Day’ event for students at Newcastle College.
This will be a condensed version of our 5-day Newcastle Startup Week events with sessions covering the 5 core themes of ‘Inspiration’, ‘Getting Started’, ‘Funding & Finance’, ‘Growing & Scaling’ and ‘Keep Going or Pivot?’
The purpose of the event is to inspire, motivate & educate students on what it takes to start their own business or be entrepreneurial within an existing one. It’s also an opportunity for local businesses to forge links with the college & find students that can work with them on short-term projects or potentially join them as employees.
We’re looking for North East-based entrepreneurs & business leaders to give short talks based on the themes above & also some business mentors to work with the students throughout the day. (Even better if they studied at Newcastle College)!
If you’d like to take part, please email paul@newcastlestartupweek.com or call / text me at 07734722716
Thanks in advance!
Paul Lancaster
Newcastle Startup Week