After running our annual 5-day Newcastle Startup Week festivals in 2017, 2018 & 2019 we created our online Startup Week Community in 2020 so we could provide business advice & support all-year-round.
Benefits of becoming a Member include:
- Access to our private Facebook Group (where you can post information about yourself or your business / organisation’s activities, ask us & the other Members for help or advice whenever you like)
- Get free access to all our future events, both online & offline (as a Member you can also join informal networking / drop-in sessions that take place inside the Facebook Group including our ‘FF lunchtime chat’ which is part of the Founders’ Friday events that take place on the last Friday of every month. You’ll also get free entry to any physical, real-life events we run in the future as lockdown restrictions ease up)
- Give a talk / presentation at Founders’ Friday (Members are invited to submit a pre-recorded video of them giving a talk / presentation which is initially shared inside the private Facebook Group for other Members to see but then uploaded to the Newcastle Startup Week YouTube Channel, embedded into a blog on our website, shared across all our social media channels (30,000+ followers) & included in our weekly newsletter (just under 3,000 subscribers). This is a great way to raise your profile, amplify your reach & find potential customers or clients through our network)
- Have a 1-2-1 business consultation / coaching session with us (all new Members of the Startup Week Community are invited to book a 1-2-1 with us via Zoom to discuss anything they need help or advice with, including signposting, matchmaking or marketing / promotion of their work through our digital channels)
- Special offers, deals & discounts (we’ve already organised a bunch of exclusive offers, discounts & perks for Members with lots more to come)
Become a ‘Lifetime Member’ today for just £75 by clicking / tapping on the button below:

(Businesses / organisations can get a ‘Group Membership’ for the reduced price of just £60 per person if they buy 5 or more in bulk. If you’re interested in this option, please email for details).