Since 2017, we’ve run 3 x 5-day (& night) Newcastle Startup Week festivals, 1 x 1-day Newcastle Scaleup Summit, 20 x physical monthly Founders’ Friday events & 2 x 5-day Startup Week ONLINE events for a combined total of around 3,000 people!
We also now have an online ‘Startup Week Community‘ where new & existing entrepreneurs / business owners can receive ongoing business advice & support all year around, access to exclusive videos, special offers, deals & discounts & free access to all our online events via our private Facebook Group.
On top of all that, we also have a significant audience on social media of over 30,000 people via our multiple Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram profiles (not to mention our YouTube channel & podcasts).
We have a proven track record of building audiences both online & offline with highly-engaging, inspiring, inclusive & useful content in a way that nobody else is doing in the UK.
So, whether you’re just starting out in business or looking to grow an existing one by cutting through the noise to reach your target audience, here’s how you can benefit from what we do (in order of cost)…
1. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
The cheapest / free way for you to start benefiting from our work is to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
Our YouTube Channel now contains all the speaker talks, presentations & interviews from our 5-day Startup Week ONLINE events in May 2020 & September 2020, videos from our monthly Founders’ Friday events, Business Growth Advice, book reviews & 2 Min Top Tips videos too.

2. Join our online Startup Week Community
We launched our online ‘Startup Week Community’ in response to COVID as a way to keep people in the North East pre-startup to pre-scaleup ecosystem connected & as a way for us to provide ongoing inspiration, advice & support to anyone wanting to start or grow their own business.
A 12 month membership is just £150 & all new members get a 30-40min 1-2-1 consultation with Paul Lancaster (Founder & Director, Newcastle Startup Week) via Zoom. During this time, Paul will learn more about you & what help or advice you might need to start or grow your business / organisation / project, then start to put some of these ideas into action with you.
See the full range of benefits & join today via our ‘Community‘ page.

3. Sponsor (& appear in) a video / podcast interview
We are always looking for interesting, inspiring & genuinely useful people, products & services to share with our Startup Week Community members & wider online audience.
If you’d like to be interviewed by us for a video which would initially be shared inside our private Facebook Group to a niche audience of new & existing entrepreneurs & micro business owners, then shared more widely on our YouTube Channel, Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn profiles to a potential audience of 30,000 people, this would cost you just £300 (+ VAT).
Paul also has the ability to broadcast interviews as a livestream video via LinkedIn Live which is an exclusive feature currently not available to everyone (you have to apply for this feature). So far, his first two LinkedIn Live videos have reached 600+ views & 1400+ views respectively in less than 24hrs here & here.
Paul also has his own popular ‘SuperConnector Show‘ podcast which is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Spreaker & a range of other podcast streaming services. (Of the episodes so far, each one has attracted between 150-300 listens). During lockdown, some of our video interviews have been converted into podcasts so you have the option of potentially doing the same or just sponsoring a show (or series of shows).
If you’re interested in sponsoring a video / podcast, please email
4. Sponsor Newcastle Startup Week / Founders’ Friday
Although we haven’t been able to run any physical events since February 2020, we have continued to provide ongoing business advice & support every week throughout 2020 via our 2 x 5-day Startup Week ONLINE events in May & September, our monthly 1-day Founders’ Friday ONLINE events & online Startup Week Community that we launched in May.
Instead of just doing one Newcastle Startup Week event a year. we are now saying that every week can be a Startup Week & are looking for sponsors who support our aims of encouraging, inspiring, advising & supporting more people to explore self-employment & start their own business, or grow their business by expanding into the North East of England.
As a sponsor, your logo will appear on our ‘Sponsors‘ page, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute guest blogs on our website, be promoted through our email newsletter & social media channels, gain access to our private ‘Startup Week Community’ Facebook Group, appear in videos & podcasts & also have an in-depth 1-2-1 consultation with us to discuss how we can amplify your reach through our network. (You’ll also be able to speak onstage & exhibit at any physical events we run during your 12 month sponsorship).
Sponsorship for all of the above is just £6,000 (+ VAT) for 12 months so if you’d like to discuss this, please email
5. Be a founding user / supporter of our TRYBES platform
TRYBES is a new data-driven signposting & matchmaking platform for entrepreneurs that will speed up the process from idea to exit (& every stage in between).
Building on the successful format of our annual 5-day Newcastle Startup Week festival & monthly Founders’ Friday events, TRYBES will signpost, recommend & match entrepreneurs to the best & most relevant people, products, services, business support & funding/investment for their needs.
It will also help de-risk startups by using ongoing market research & business intelligence to give all users more confidence & stop them wasting time, money & effort on things less likely to work.
We are planning to launch the first version of TRYBES in May 2021 & are currently looking for partners who would like their startup or scaleup-focused products or services featured on the platform in return for an affordable monthly or annual subscription fee.
We are still working out the exact price of subscription but if you would like to get in early & be one of the first businesses or organisations to benefit from using TRYBES, please email

In summary…
- Subscribe to our YouTube Channel (FREE) – Click / tap here
- Join our online Startup Week Community (£150 _ VAT) – Click / tap here
- Sponsor (& appear in) a video / podcast (£300 + VAT) – Email
- Become a Sponsor of Newcastle Startup Week / Founders’ Friday (£6,000 + VAT) – Email
- Be a founding user / supporter of TRYBES (TBA) – Email
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