Since 2017, our annual 5 day Newcastle Startup Week festival has inspired, motivated & helped 1,000s of people to start or grow a business!

As many of you will know, our 4th festival was due to take place in May 2020 but because of the COVID lockdown we had to pivot from a physical event to an online one which was delivered through our private Facebook Group to 300+ people.
Because of the success of our first Newcastle Startup Week ONLINE event in May, we’re running another one between 21-25 September 2020.
What can you expect?
Our Newcastle Startup Week ONLINE events follow the same 5 themes as our physical ones:
1. Monday = INSPIRATION (10am-3.30pm)
- Paul Lancaster (Founder & Event Producer, Newcastle Startup Week) with Opening Remarks
- Nigel Risner (Chief Zoo Keeper, Business Speaker of the Year, Communications Expert & Motivational Speaker)
- Sam Conniff & Alex Barker on ‘How To Be More Pirate’
- Craig Conway (Critically-acclaimed actor & producer) on ‘Nurturing world-class creative talent in the North East through the new D15 centre’
- Michael Owen & Rojin Yarahmadi (Always Wear Red) on ‘Creating a world class hand knit clothing brand’
- Ammar Mirza CBE (Founder, SME Centre of Excellence, Founder & Chair, Asian Business Connexions & North East (North) Chairman, Institute of Directors)
- Tony Robinson OBE & Taryn Lee Johnston on ‘The Happipreneur: Why #MicroBizMatters (A Memoir & Guide for Enterprising People)’
- Liz Mayes (Chief Executive, The Common Room of the North)
2. Tuesday = GETTING STARTED (10am-3.30pm)
- Paul Lancaster (Founder & Event Producer, Newcastle Startup Week) with Opening Remarks
- Corinne Lewis-Ward (Designer & Creative Consultant, Powder Butterfly & Creative Heritage Studios CIC)
- Tim Elliott (Commercial Storyteller) on ‘What’s your story?’
- Nicola Black (Founder, Nature+Nature) on ‘Getting Started – Trust In The Journey’
- Paul Lancaster on ‘How to Start Something New’
- Steven George France (MMA Coach, Entrepreneur, Investor & Motivational Speaker)
- Gareth Davies (Founder, Acid_Works) on ‘Adventures Into Design: A Story of post university design industry exploration’
- Kate Patton (Entrepreneur Engagement Manager North East Rngland), Tech Nation) on the ‘Rising Stars’ competition for early-stage tech companies & other support available
- Chris Jewitt & Des Kennedy (Food & Drink North East)
3. Wednesday = FUNDING & FINANCE (10.30am-3.30pm)
- Paul Lancaster (Founder & Event Producer, Newcastle Startup Week) with Introduction & Opening Remarks
- Andy Thomas (Abacus Jack Accounting) on ‘How to manage & forecast cashflow’
- James Holloway (External Engagement Manager, North East Fund)
- Tim Ward (Managing Director, Bid and Research Development) on ‘How to find the best tender opportunities using AI-powered OPPORTUNI’
- Andy Thomas (Abacus Jack Accounting) on ‘Using Data to Drive Business Decisions’
- Simon Robeson (Co-Founder, North East Capital & CE0, Core Technology Ventures) on ‘Independent, impact-focused IP investment in the North East of England’
4. Thursday = GROWING & SCALING (10am-3.30pm)
- Paul Lancaster (Founder & Event Producer, Newcastle Startup Week) with Introduction & Opening Remarks
- Hilary Dunne (Founder, The Brand Activators) on ‘How Everyone Can Create Their Own Brand Activation Easily & Cheaply’
- Colin Bell (Business Growth Director, North East LEP) on the ‘High Potential Startups’ programme
- Tim Elliott (Commercial Storyteller) on ‘How great brands grow on purpose’
- Helen Trueman-Howe (Founder, Heels & Brogues Group) on ‘How to build & create new opportunities for yourself & others through your network’
- Declan Baharini (Director, International Newcastle) on ‘How to develop & promote Newcastle’s credentials as a truly international city for both individuals & businesses’
- Livestream with Ammar Mirza CBE on ‘How to Scale & Create an Invincible Business”
- Louise Doyle (Founders & CEO, mesma) on ‘What T Levels are, Industry Placements & how they can help your business or organisation grow’
- Victoria Fleming (Buzztastic) on ‘How to sell more & better (even during the COVID lockdown)’
- Charlotte Windebank (Managing Director & Co-Founder, FIRST) & Vincent Efferoth (Managing Director & Co-Founder, Tea Venture Ltd) on ‘The Journey from Startup to Scaleup with NOVELTEA alcoholic tea’
- Paul Lancaster (Founder & Event Producer, Newcastle Startup Week) with Closing Remarks & a look ahead at Day 5
5. Friday = KEEP GOING OR PIVOT? (10am-3.30pm)
- Paul Lancaster (Founder & Event Producer, Newcastle Startup Week) with Opening Remarks
- ivestream chat with Katie Stidolph (The Savvy Stoic)
- Livestream chat with Jon Waite, Phoebe & Georgia (Advertise1) on ‘How to survive & thrive from startup to SME’
- Livestream with Geoff Ramm (‘Celebrity Service’ & ‘OMG Marketing’ keynote speaker)
- Christina Lord (Founder & Professional Coach, Authentic Action Coaching) on ‘Activate Your Power, Energise Your Decision-Making, Keep Going or Pivot?
- Nicola Jayne Little (Founder, MINT Business Club) on ‘Pivoting Your Business (through choice or absolute necessity)’
- Katie Stidolph (The Savvy Stoic) on ‘How Stoicism can help you overcome any obstacles in life’
- Paul Lancaster (Founder & Event Producer, Newcastle Startup Week) with Closing Remarks & what’s next for the Startup Week Community?
Want to see / hear them?
Tickets are available for just £25.91 here or by clicking / tapping below:

*Please note*
These tickets give you immediate access to our private Facebook Group where all our exclusive talks, presentations, interviews & livestreams will be shared between 21-25 September.
Videos of all our speakers will then remain available for you to watch anytime within the Facebook Group until Friday 2 October. On this date you will be removed from the private Facebook Group unless you have taken out a 12 month Annual Membership of our ‘Startup Week Community’ for £75.
(Membership gives you access to all our videos & online events taking place over the next 12 months including our monthly Founders’ Friday events, a ticket for Day 1 of our next physical festival which is now due to take place in May 2021, priority access to our new TRYBES platform & a range of other benefits).
If you want to take out an Annual Membership now instead of just booking a ticket for our event in September, please go to our ‘Community‘ page.
Still not sure what to expect?
Watch this video of our ‘Opening Remarks’ in May to get a better understanding of what to expect from Newcastle Startup Week ONLINE in September & the one below that to see what our physical events are usually like…
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