Obviously, things have escalated rapidly since the last time I wrote to you two weeks ago & the UK looks like a very different place since the Coronavirus lockdown came into place on Monday night!
I hope you are all safe & well at home with your loved ones & for those of you who live alone or are struggling with the new world we are now in, please remember I am only ever just a Tweet away @lordlancaster & always happy to help out whenever I can or point you in the right direction if I can’t.
In such strange & uncertain times it is very difficult to plan ahead when most of us are just coming to terms with a new way of living & working today. Some of you may even be in ‘survival mode’ right now but things WILL get better.
When things are taken away from you against your will it makes you appreciate them even more & for someone who understands & values the importance of real-world connections through events & face-to-face meetings this is especially hard.
It will come as no surprise to you that our annual 5-day Newcastle Startup Week festival will NOT be taking place in May.
HOWEVER, we are now planning to run it between 21-25 September with the same format, venues & speakers (wherever possible).
Here’s what we are proposing:
- Everyone who currently has a ticket for Newcastle Startup Week in May will automatically have one for September
- If you don’t yet have a ticket for Newcastle Startup Week in September, we’d really appreciate it if you could book one as soon as possible to help with our cashflow & keep our business going until then
- Although the physical event won’t take place until September, we are also planning to produce & share a range of blogs, videos, webinars & podcasts during the original dates of 18-22 May via our ‘Startup Week Community’ Facebook Group
- To access this content & be a member of the Facebook Group, you will need to purchase either an ‘Online / Livestream ONLY’ ticket or one of the other ticket types listed on our ‘Tickets’ page first
- Only people with an Online / Livestream ONLY ticket or one for the main event in September will be given access to the Facebook Group.
- Once a ticket has been purchased, ticketholders need to go to the ‘Startup Week Community‘ Facebook Group, click or tap ‘+ Join Group’ & then we will approve their request if we can see they have a ticket
- If you already have a ticket for May but can’t / don’t want to attend the event in September, you can request a refund via Eventbrite or email me direct at paul@newcastlestartupweek.com (you can also give your ticket to someone else if you send me their full name & email address)
- I hope this all makes sense but please take a look at the newly-updated information on our homepage for a clear summary

Thanks for reading & hope to see you online in May & in person in September!
Paul Lancaster
Founder & Event Producer
Newcastle Startup Week