We started running our monthly Founders’ Friday events in July 2018 as a way to keep the spirit of our annual 5-day Newcastle Startup Week festival in May alive all year around & provide a place for people to find out about latest opportunities to start or grow their business in the North East of England in an informal, relaxed & inclusive environment.
Since then, Founders’ Friday has consistently attracted between 60-80 attendees every month with 100s more watching the Facebook Live videos of our speakers remotely or after the event.

People regularly tell us that Founders’ Friday is the best & most valuable event they go to each month because of the format, quality of speakers & opportunity it provides to build their knowledge & network.
To ensure we can continue running them for another 12 months we’ve decided to change them from FREE to just £5 (+ booking fee) per person from August 2019 onwards.
(This will also help support the costs of organising & running our 4th annual 5-day Newcastle Startup Week festival between 18-22 May 2020).
However, to demonstrate how the events are so closely connected to each other, anyone who buys a 5-day ticket for Newcastle Startup Week 2020 (currently just £150 + booking fee) will be entitled to attend any & all our 10 x Founders’ Friday events taking place between August 2019 & May 2020 for FREE.
To book your 5-day ticket for Newcastle Startup Week 2020 (which includes free entry to all our Founders’ Friday events), visit our Tickets page:
Alternatively, if you still want to book individual tickets for our Founders’ Friday events for just £5 (+ booking fee) each, go here.