The Startup Heatmap Europe Survey 2019 is now live & we’d REALLY like you all to take part!
This is the 4th annual European wide survey on founders’ favourite startup hubs & mobility patterns & after politely (but firmly) voicing my frustration that you couldn’t even choose Newcastle from their dropdown menu in previous years (via email & phone call), I’m delighted to see that the research team have listened & included it as an option this year!
(Special thanks to Natalie Novick for taking notice, visiting Newcastle to speak at our Founders’ Friday event in November 2018 & giving Newcastle Startup Week a mention in her ‘Seed the Future‘ report for Stripe, TechStars & which was launched at Lisbon Web Summit 2018 too).
Why is this important?
This is very important because politicians, policymakers, investors, startup founders & jobseekers read this report & base their decisions on its’ findings. So, if Newcastle / the North East isn’t even an option for people to choose, it looks as though nothing ever happens here & we can never hope to compete as a global startup hub.
Unfortunately they’ve put the map marker for Newcastle in the Midlands but at least it’s on there as an option so please take the survey & choose Newcastle for Question 3:
“If you were going to start a company in Europe tomorrow, where would you like to do it?

(The only other options for the UK & Ireland are Edinburgh, Glasgow, Bradfield, Wakefield, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Leicester, Birmingham, Coventry, Cardiff, Bristol, London, Belfast & Dublin so let’s give Newcastle lots of votes so it has a higher chance of being featured in the final report)!
Please note: the deadline for entries is Wednesday 31st July 2019.