Newcastle Startup Week (& Newcastle Scaleup Summit) may be over for another year but that doesn’t mean we’re not still here to help you start or grow your business, organisation or project.

Bigger & better
This year was our biggest & best event yet with 790 delegates attending from across the UK and other countries too compared to 610 last year.
Yet again we loved seeing the North East business community coming together to support & inspire each other before & during our 16 events over 5 days! (Check out all the amazing comments, photos & videos on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram featuring the #NewcastleStartupWeek hashtag).
To keep the spirit alive all year round, we’re now inviting ALL delegates, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors & partners from our 2017, 2018 & 2019 events to do the following:
- Join our new ‘Startup Week Community‘ Facebook Group & use it to ask for any help or advice you might need throughout the year. (If we can’t help ourselves, there’s a very good chance we know someone who can).
- Start coming to our FREE Founders’ Friday events which take place on the last Friday of every month at the Tuspark Eagle Lab co-working & event space in Newcastle where we are based. (Our next one is on Friday 31th May & tickets can be found here).
Join us at Startup Week 2020!
In case you hadn’t heard, tickets are already on sale for Newcastle / North East Startup Week 2020 which we are planning to run between 18-22 May 2020 with our main Day 1 (‘Inspiration’) event taking place in Newcastle followed by multiple events happening in Newcastle & across the North East simultaneously on Days 2-5!
To find out more or to book your ticket, please click / tap the image or button below:

Alternatively, if you’re interested in being an Exhibitor, Sponsor or making a bulk order of tickets for your team, clients or students, please .