Your opportunity to meet over 700 delegates and speakers is around the corner! Upcoming Newcastle Startup Week provides a killer opportunity to connect with like-minded people, gain invaluable advice, and become inspired. To help you get the most out of the event, we have highlighted our five key startup week tips for delegates.
#1 Know what’s on
To start, make sure you are actually in the right place, at the right time. This year, Newcastle Startup Week has a fully packed schedule filled with speakers and additional fringe events across multiple venues. But fear not, as we have an up-to-date app which will provide information on speakers and times. You can download the ‘Newcastle Startup Week’ app both on IOS and Android as a courtesy of award-winning app development company Nebula Labs. Just visit your app store and search for ‘Newcastle Startup Week’.
Like the app? Make sure to give developers Nebula Labs a follow on Twitter, like them on Facebook, and check out their website!
#2 Utilise the Twitter network
Newcastle Startup Week is not just a five-day event. Throughout the year, we have a significant online presence and engage with businesses and entrepreneurs across the world. Our hashtag, #NewcastleStartupWeek reaches event delegates and those who are interested in what’s going on.
But what’s the use of a hashtag if it is not fully used to your advantage? Before attending the event, or during the event, utilize the hashtag to get your message out to a wider audience! Is there anyone you would like to speak to at the event? Hashtag-it. Is there any help or support you need? Hashtag-it. Or do you just want to let other delegates know what you do? Again, Hashtag-it! We actively monitor the hashtag and will share messages that we feel are relevant to our event.
#3 Set goals or aspirations
One thing we can guarantee at startup week is that you will be able to benefit from a bulk of enterprise wisdom from both speakers and other delegates. Don’t waste that opportunity by coming into the event without a focus! Setting goals or aspirations can help you conduct more focused conversations and ensures you attend the events that are of most benefit to you. Newcastle Startup Week provides a killer networking opportunity and is known for fostering a supportive community keen to help fellow entrepreneurs. Understanding your key asks and needs will increase the likelihood of you receiving relevant advice and support at the event.

#4 Reflect on what you’ve learned
With over 70 speakers scheduled in, it can be difficult to memorise all the useful insights you will gain at the event, or reflect on how your newly gained knowledge can really affect your business (plans). We would therefore advice you to note down your top three learnings at the end of every startup week day, and reflect on how it impacts your business going forward. This can be advice received from guest speakers, as well as advice you gained from people you just met! You can look back at the diary at the end of the event, or even weeks from now, and remind yourself of all the great insights you have learned. You can also share your insights on social media (with our hashtag) so that we can retweet it and potentially help you attract more comments.
#5 Make sure you stick
Meeting new people is one thing, but staying in touch with them is another. We would advice you to have a plan in place to make sure you can continue conversations outside of startup week. You can bring along some promotional materials such as business cards or flyers. However, make sure you are able to follow up on the conversations yourself as well by gaining the contact details of other parties. Don’t just put the ball in their court. If you are working on a low budget, make sure you are prepared to connect with individuals digitally, for example through Linkedin or a CRM contact list which you might keep on your phone.
Do you have any tips of your own? Make sure to let us know in a comment below or on Twitter (#NewcastleStartupWeek).
Haven’t got your ticket for Newcastle Startup Week yet? Make sure to get one before they run out by visiting our Eventbrite page.